Friday, March 8, 2013

I Got A Puppy and Now I'm Freaking Out A Little

Last week I went a little crazy.

I'm a pretty even-headed person, and I don't normally get obsessed about anything, but last week, I couldn't get dogs out of my head.

I've wanted to get a dog for the longest time. When I was in college, I dreamed about taking our family dog, Bruno, out to school with me (what a terrible idea that was! He is a psychologically damaged senior German shepherd. I highly doubt he would have adjusted well to apartment life. But It was only a dream, okay?). But, I definitely didn't have time for a dog during college. I was working two jobs (about 30-35 hours a week) and carrying 15-17 credits, so I didn't really have time for pooping let alone taking care of a dog.

All that has changed. I have time now. Actually, I have a lot of time on my hands, and in my experience, time makes people do crazy things.

Still, I felt compelled to wait for the picket-fence life to get a dog. It is a big commitment, and I enjoy being foot-loose and fancy-free. Most of the time. The problem is, I've started to wonder if I'll ever be happy with a house in the suburbs and a very free daily schedule. In fact, I'm beginning to seriously doubt not only that I'll ever be able to have that life, but also that I would ever enjoy that life. I still wanted a dog. Of course I wanted a dog!

So I started visiting shelters.

I found Tilly at the Utah Humane Society. She is a black cocker spaniel, and about a year and a half old. She is very sweet, and I am working on her training. She came already house broken and knowing "sit" and "come." She is catching on to "down" (lay down) and as of yesterday, heels nicely.

But she barks at people, and other dogs, and sometimes when we're inside she growls at my roommate's dog. Sometimes I wonder what I've gotten myself into.

What was I thinking?!


  1. Oh my, good luck. Time is what it takes - lots of love and attachment time. But it is a big commitment (I say as I bend down to stroke my 13 year old mutt rescue.)

  2. Love ya'll handle it, you are a superwoman!!!

  3. You are living with an animal!!! (That is always what seems to mind boggling... AN ANIMAL IN YOUR HOUSE!) But no, seriously, she sounds amazing and I'm sure as she, and you, get more comfortable all will be smooth sailing! Maybe she'll also be foot-loose and fancy-free!
