Why is it that when I'm busy in the semester, I am more productive than when it's summer, and I have nothing I have to do all day, but all I do is brush my teeth and read? Oh, and I run. And I do yoga. And I lift weights. And I watch children. And I clean a house occupied by ten people (plus guests). And I read. And then I read some more.
Oh, I love reading!
I just finished reading Anne Frank: the Diary of a Young Girl for the second time. How interesting that the first time I read it, I felt deeply connected with the author (whose age when writing the diary I was when reading the diary), and now, holy cow! She is crazy!
Very self centered, though she does try to pull out of it. Also, she starts referring to herself in the third person a lot about halfway, 3/4 the way through. What does that indicate? That she's going crazy?
Because she also describes how lately she thinks there are two Anne's, and she relates how they both struggle against each other, fighting for the control of Anne's body. Why is this okay? It is not okay.
So, to sum up, a lot of time this work is praised for its insight into the mind of a young girl and interest in being about Jews in hiding in occupied Holland.
It actually ought to be praised for its insight into the mind of a young girl who goes crazy after staying in the same five rooms for two years, creating multiple people within herself in order to populate her circle of friends.
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