"It is time for us all to decide who we are."
-Les Miserables, "The ABC Cafe"
I will probably hate it soon, but the most exciting part about gearing up for graduation right now is the commencement of my search for a job.
"There is magic in the air this season, magic everywhere!"
-The Muppets' Christmas Carol
In a few short months, I will begin a new life away from the nursery known as BYU. I will be a real adult! With a job and everything! I know it's a little early to be counting chickens, but when else should I enjoy the excitement of future possibilities other than now?
And who knows what the new school year will bring me, or where it will take me! I Jean-Luc Piccard, exploring a strange new world of new life, new civilization. I am boldly going where I have not gone before. Perhaps it is not the final frontier, but it is new to me, and that makes it exciting, shiny, and full of glittering possibilities. (Gleaming? Glowing? Radiant? No, it would be ....Radiating... that can't be right.).
More immediately I am getting ready to student teach. Part of me is nervous to do this new thing, but another part of me is just really excited to finally do what I have been preparing to do this whole time I've been in the English teaching program. I know that it will be different from anything I've done before . . . but I still look forward to it!