All I did was increase the contrast for this one. You know, people are like pictures. Sometimes they are very uninteresting, because of how they photograph their lives. They neglect the contrast, they dwell in dolor. When you ask them, "What are you like?" They may even begin their reply with, "OH! I'm very boring."
That's not necessary.

I like the lines, simplicity, and contrast this black-and-white photo has. I've noticed that I often try to make my life fit into a line, or set of lines: I'll compare my life to a book I've read, or a movie I've seen, or the life of a friend or family member. The picture gets messy. It's a bad idea.

Making common things abstract is a fun goal in photography. It's also a life perspective valued by the transcendentalists.

This is a leaf on a willow tree.

Karl G. Maeser said that if you drew a chalk circle around him, and made him give his word of honor not to leave it, he would die before stepping out of the circle. I say: what a moronic thing to promise.